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Grouping multiple Shapes in a Stencil, select a specific Shape option

Started by dsmall, March 17, 2021, 04:03:23 PM

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I was wondering how I can group multiple Shapes in a Stencil, and be offered an option to choose a shape when dragging into a project.  For example, Middle Atlantic has a single shape for an AV Rack model, but when you add it to the page you get a Shape Data option to choose a specific size, which really is just a list of different shapes.  Thanks!

Thomas Winkel

Select a specific shape out a group is only possible with code, triggered by an event.

But you can create shapes that changes form depending on shape data -> ShapeSheet formulas
This shape data could be of type "Fixed List" and with option "Ask on drop".

Paul Herber

This can be done in two ways. The master shape in the stencil is either a grouped shape or a shape with multiple geometry sections. For the shape you mention this most likely to be a grouped shape. The visibility of each shape or geometry section is controlled by shapedata. When a shape is dropped on a page there is an option to have the user be asked to enter shapedata values. In a nutshell.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thank you, is there a resource or search term that would point me in the correct direction? Looking a the example master shape properties, nothing sticks out to see how it is configured.

Paul Herber

Have a look at the shape Logic Gate 2 in stencil Analog and Digital Logic.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thank you, I see how that shape offers choices but I'm still not sure how that master shape would be created and configured.  Also, the behavior is different than what I am looking for where you would be presented the option immediately when adding the shape to the page. I've attached a shape that does what I'm looking for.

Thanks again for your feedback!

Thomas Winkel

You need to spend a few hours to learn ShapeSheet and shape data.

There are plenty of resources, for instance here:



Quote from: Surrogate on February 05, 2018, 10:25:20 AM
Let me introduce my project - ShapeSheet™ Knowledge Base
In MS Visio 2013/2016 have about 210 functions in ShapeSheet environment.

And many newbies have problems when they search function which they need!

Hope my list of functions by categories could help to many peoples learn more about ShapeSheet™.
hope this project can helps...

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