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How to populate shapes with text from other shape?

Started by plstanisma, January 25, 2013, 09:41:55 AM

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I am new to Visio. I am struggling with simple thing ( i couldn't find answer on google).

What i need to do is:
1. type text into one textbox/field (i.e. title box on title page)
2. i would like visio to populate header of other pages with this title. (see attachment)

I would like it to be very simple for the end user.

How can i achieve that?

I was trying to use field with custom formula :
1. Fieldpicture(0);=sheet.17!TheText on TextFields section of the shape in header.
2. i tried also a macro, but i cannot determine the event which will allow me to update the text in header after typing it on the first page.


Please try use formula


Thank you! Surrogate,

that helped a lot! it works for shapes which are located on the same page.

Hovewer it doesn't work when the other shape is on different page (in my case background page for every other page with text box as a header).

i tried on the background page shape :




but it doesn't do the trick.

is there a way to use a reference to a shape on other Visio Page? I am thinking USER CELLS, but have no clue how to use it yet.


not at all, try this way  8)


YES! :) worked perfectly.. you saved me hours of work! thanks!

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