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Shape options menu

Started by prmontiel, January 23, 2013, 12:28:25 PM

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Hi, how can i change shape menu/options/operations on ribbon?
I want to see Brainstorming menu.
Sorry for my english lol

Paul Herber

I'll leave others to respond about how to modify the ribbon, However, the particular changes you want for the Brainstorming menu are created by an addon, so I don't think it will be possible. Even if you can create the changes required the addon won't be loaded so the ribbon entries won't work.

Nothing wrong with your English (unless pernicious pedantry pervades!).
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Its hard to draw if i cant get options like layout, diagram style and auto-arrange. If i open a new project based on brainstorming:

Paul Herber

But those options are only within the brainstorming addon. Some of those features are also within Visio itself, but might just be hard (or impossible) to find on the ribbon.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Ty. I'll draw on new project and I'll paste on my project lol ;)

Thank you very much for quick reply.


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