Re-opening a SVG saved from Visio in blank

Started by dkcorreia, January 20, 2013, 05:31:17 AM

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I have found Visio 2010 to be very useful for screen captures with callouts.  I save them as SVG and insert them into FrameMaker.  Then when the doc is re-released I can open that SVG back up in Visio to update.  I have found an issue with some of the larger image files. If they are over 1 mb.  When a hi resolution screen cap with callouts is saved as SVG and reopened in Visio, it's blank.  This is a giant issue for me and my doc team. 1 person is able to open them but several of us are not. The SVG file itself is fine and opens in browsers etc.  Just when I try and open in Visio it's blank.  Has anyone heard of this?

Paul Herber

Quote from: dkcorreia on January 20, 2013, 05:31:17 AM
... I can open that SVG back up in Visio to update.

Don't do it. Consider it a one-way path:
Visio file -> save in Visio format -> Save as SVG file
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Hello Paul,

I have come to 100% agree with you about that.  Took me a while.  Now I have a new issue

We use super hi res photo of circuit boards and add callouts on top of them in Visio.  When we go to save as SVG I get this error and it is kind of a big deal that this wont work.  THe only solution is for me to compress the image which I don't think should be necessary.  Do you have any idea why this would happen.  For example I just inserted a 4MB jpg and was not able to save as SVG.  Thanks, denise


I saw the same message from Visio 2010 saving Visio drawing with 2.45 MB jpg image as svg or svgz.
Visio2013 Preview version has no problem.
It may be a bag in Visio 2010.
Please examine other version of Visio such as Viso 2007 or Visio 2013 or,,,.

By the way what is your profit to save the jpg image as SVG?
The file size of svg saved in such a way is more than 4 times of jpg file.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda

Paul Herber

Maybe a JPG is not a good idea, it's probably the wrong format, try a PNG or even an EMF might be good.
JPG is for photographs, not PCB diagrams.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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