Editing SVG in Visio2010 - Does not retain filename

Started by dkcorreia, January 11, 2013, 10:31:49 PM

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Hello All,

When I open an SVG file (produced in Visio 2010) it renames the file "Drawing#".  This is adding lots of extra clicks when making small edits to dozens of SVG files.  Does anyone know of a way to open an SVG file in Visio and have it retain the filename?  Thanks, Denise

Paul Herber

You can't use Visio as an SVG editor. An SVG file can be inserted into a Visio drawing, then the drawing can be saved as SVG, that's the best you'll get out of Visio.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



Thanks for such a fast reply Paul.  I have been doing this process for the last few months.  I create the graphics (block diagrams, schematics etc.) in Visio 2010 and save them as SVG.  Then I open the SVG  back up in Visio to make edits as they are updated each release.  I even use this method for screen captures with callouts and it works well.  I just wish it would retain the filename when I open it back up.  Thanks for any help.

Paul Herber

It seems to me that you are making things over-complicated. Why do you work on the SVG? Why not work on the original Visio file? If the Visio file has a suitable filename then when you save it as SVG it will have <filename>.SVG, that filename can be the filename you want.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



I see your point and I agree.  Thanks for your reply.

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