Perspective View with Visio 2013 Preview 3D Effects & Rotation

Started by JuneTheSecond, August 23, 2012, 06:42:58 AM

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Hi ,
I liked Junes 3D box so much   :)... I added a VBA mod so that you may rotate it via the mouse control.
ref attchment.
open as per Junes version, then hold the cntrl button down and the left mouse button down....  then move the mouse left and right.



Very cool!
It rotates smooth as if on the air.
Thank you Cliff.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Here is 14 pieces of Visio shapes.
Each shape rotates like a 3-D shape with controls or shape data.
You can rotate in Visio 2007 or in Visio 2010.
These shapes are made by attatched macro.
You can change your shape into 3D.
The shape must be simple and drawn by straight lines.
If you run this macro, your shape will be unified.
If your shape is important, please backup your shape
before running macro.

The macro to make 3D shape is just a simple proto type.
This macro has no error handling.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Added cylinder and cube with hole.
Though they can not be made automatically with attatched macro.
Front color is green and back color is gray.
Enjoy rotating with controls.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


real nice....have you tried it with XP (do you think its worth trying on XP if XP is my only option)


1. In WindowsXP with Visio2003.
    You can open drawing.
    But cannot rotate, and cannot run macro.
    The reason is that Visio2003 does not support EVALCELL function.
2. In Windwos7 with Visio2007.
    Rotate very smooth than in Visio2010, and can macro.

3. In WindowsXP with Visio2007.
    I hope you can rotate and run macro, though I did not examine.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Added more 3D shapes.
Slide controls or change shape data,
and shape rotates  in Visio 2007 or Visio 2010.
Please, enjoy and see where is the limit in Visio.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


great stuff!!!

So I am curious about something

Assume you have a cube and you have small cylinder attached to the "back" of the cube
Assume you group them (or union them or or or)

When I rotate the combo say 180 in X plane, does cylinder rotate around and come to the front of the "group"?


 :) great work June.   is it possible to have individual colors on each of the cube's sides?  Perhaps make a dice image using this method ? just a thought  ???


I think possible.
For example, the star.
I need to find a simple way how to decide
each surface is visible or not,
and how to decide the z-order of visible
surface to hide partially invisible parts.
They are changing while shape is rotating.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


I was thinking , if a shape (a simply square) only rotates on it's  Y axis, its begin X and end X co ordinates may be used as the trigger of shape visibility.
This action can be conditionally programmed in the shape sheet cells of the square.


For a cube, it is simple, and visiblities are solved in the shapesheet formula,
if you apply User.Front,,,,User.Bottom for perspective view,
and User FB,,,,User.TB to noshow cells.
For various face color, you need to add another shape with various color
on each face of the cube with shapesheet function like a
as already used in the shapes for perspective drawing at
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


As the articles are leaving from Visio 2013 Preview,
I would like to continue in the User-submitted Stuff.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda

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