Flow Chart Creation with many actors

Started by Maddes, November 29, 2012, 07:11:28 AM

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Wuhu, first post in this category :p

So hello everyone,
I am creating a flowchart for a process at my company and while creating I noticed that we've got at least 6 different actors involved in the very process. Some of them only contribute only one activity to the process, so a whole swimlane for those guys makes a lot of white space on the chart, which isn't very neat.
What I am asking for is:
Has anyone experience with creation of flow charts and what to do when many actors are involved? Is a flow chart the right instrument? And if not, what are the alternatives?
Thanks a bunch for reading and for your answers!


I remember from school the "event driven process chain".


Handling a workflow as a process brings up the issue you described.

  • i suggest to create a RACI or better RASCI Matrix to identify Roles & Responsibbillities first
  • then use BPMn Standards to visualize the Process
If its just about a workflow (also see Work Breakdown Structure aka WBS), then keep it simple (look at taskmap.com for an idea) and visualize related tasks with a flowchart and define people involved as attributes to the shape(s) (remains readable in we view as well).
Best Regards

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