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Off Page Connector (OPC) Autozoom

Started by MacGyver, October 31, 2012, 10:23:44 PM

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Is there any way to create a master OPC shape that automatically zooms to the associated OPC on the other page.  If i create two OPC's i can program them to zoom to each other by modifying the shapesheet hyperlink SubAddress and ExtraInfo cells.

I have alot of OPC and don't want to have to do this for each specific pair.  Any thoughts?

Also any idea why when I manually edit the hyperlink to zoom to the assocaited OPC.  For this to happen i need to right click the shape, then select off-page reference (Hyperlink.Follow method in VBA).  When I double click the OPC i am simply redirected to the associated page without zooming in.  Anyway to add this functionality to the shapesheet so when I double click the OPC it zooms to the assocaited OPC.  I looked for something akin to the Hyperlink.Follow function in the shapesheet function list and the DOCMD() command list and couldn't find anything.

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