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Hyperlink Troubleshooting

Started by Tori O., September 11, 2012, 07:00:10 PM

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Tori O.

Hello, I am making a Visio file that contains Flowcharts using swim lanes in 2010 and I have a number of different pages. At the begging of the document, I have a page that I am calling a table of contents page containing Organizational Chart shapes that have the names of each of the following pages. I have hyper-linked  each shape to it's corresponding page so that the viewer can jump from page to page from the Table of Contents page. My problem is that two of the hyperlinks do not work. I cannot seem to find the issue because all of the other hyperlinks work fine. Nothing is different about these two pages. And the only thing these pages have in common that they don't have in common with all the other pages is the name of the pages (Water and Secondary Wastewater). It's a very peculiar problem and I would appreciate any help with this issue or any ideas of what the problem could be. I am trying some troubleshooting, but I am running out of ideas.


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