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Perspective View with Visio 2013 Preview 3D Effects & Rotation

Started by JuneTheSecond, August 23, 2012, 06:42:58 AM

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I've modified icon simulator for 3D Rotation.
1. All shapesheet function ATAN were changed to ATAN2.
    ATAN2 allows wide range in angle than ATAN.
2. Added a tool that can change the angle to increment.
    you can change angle, if you edit text on the shape.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


I am now making a paper plane like one on the pictire.
It rotate in 3D space.
I still have some problem when I turn the plane.
It is a matter of zorder of the shapes.
But I hope the problem will be fixed soon.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Fascinating problem.  The wing Z-orders must change depending upon the rotation. 

Visio 2019 Pro


Fixed about 80 percent of the z-order problem.
Attached drawing users VBA macro to change z-order.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


June....though I dont have beta 2013 and, thus, dont know how it works specifically, but I have built off your work using visio 2003, isnt all this really a problem of mapping 3D space into 2D space.   There are lots of doc on the web about the matrices needed to do the mapping.

If you go down a VBA approach, would you just implement the translation matrices then convert to visio formulas  (I realize the last part is tough and frankly blocked me from trying to do a 2003 VBA macro.....obviously, you are much better at this than me).    Ie something like
- Get a vertex in current shape
- translate to common 3D (X, Y, Z, and Alpha, Beta, Omega angles from a reference point)
- do some rotation
- translate back to 2D (X,Y)
- Create visio 2013 vertex formulas and write it to shape sheet.

Like I said, this blocked me (could do well except last hop back to vertex 1....never tried it with raw POINTS approach...maybe that works).
So I may be oversimplifying this.


Come to think of could do the following
- Devise formula for path for last hope (which by the way gets on top of the MOVETO point)
- New last row that closes end of last hop to MOVETO (so you can close the the shape).

Ya know...until I wrote previous, doing something like that never occurred to me.


I've modified the drawing a little.
Now you can copy paper plane and can give different views at once.
When you rotate, all planes turn, but keep different views.

Thank you Vojo for your comment.
I am now still at the entrance step to learn 3d-rotation matrices.
So, this new feature in Visio 2013 preview is strong helper for my learning.
It is new and  free to download.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


3 angles in 3D rotation is a kind of Euler angles, angles around x, y and z axis.
YXZ sustem is used in Visio 2013 Preview that is the same as in other Office applications.
The rotation matrix Rz.Rx.Ry is composed by multipling 3 rotation matrix around x, y and z axis.
I made a simple vsd drawing that rotates a cube made in Visio 2010.
Rotation matrix Rz.Rx.Ry is used in this drawing.
I felt more complicated shape is very difficult without the power of Visio 2013 Prebiew.

You can rotate cube by selecting right-click menu or enter angles in the shape data table.
Please enjoy.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


This is rotatable 3D cube works in Visio 2007.
Parameters like in Visio 2013 are available in shape data table.
You can change perspective view angle, thickness of the shape, etc..
You can rotate shapes with control points to x or y directions.
These shapes are simple Visio shape.
All behaviors are performed by the rotation matrix in the shapesheet.
Macro is not used.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda

Paul Herber

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



Very cool!   8)

Lot of work!!!

So, is it time to think about the DirectX spinning cube?  Just kidding!

Visio 2019 Pro


RE spinning

Or somebody could dig up the old animation work I did, pull the VBA that does the time increment (about 10 lines) and make a macro  that spins
the block.   

Currently on 2003....This is the first change in visio since then that has me really thinking I should move forward

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