Issue with attached Shape Data WIndow from Step by Step Visio 2012

Started by TerriC, August 16, 2012, 10:29:30 AM

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Whilst training myself in Visio 2010 I used some of the practice files from Step by Step Visio 2012 manual.  I now find that whenever I open a new visio page to create a new flowchart all the shapes in the stencil have the shape data window from the practice file attached.  All my existing save visio flowcharts have also been populated with the same shape data window.  How do I remove this?

Paul Herber

The shape data window isn't attached to shapes, it's just a global setting.
menu Data -> Shape Data Window
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


When I add a new shape from the basic flowchart stencil to a new page and click on the shape window it has predefined fields -
Lables - Cost, process number, start date, end date, status.

I didnt set up these fields.  They are the same ones that appear in the practice files flowcharts that I downloaded for the book.

Paul Herber

Yes, those fields are quite normal, they are defined in those shapes.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Ah ok thanks Paul.  Maybe I am confised becasue I thought the original shape data window showed the label field as Property 1 prior to inputting my own data fields.

On another note....I have seen a lot of questions in forums asking about converting visio pages with hyperlinks to pdf documents where the hyperlinks disappear.  Has this been resolved now or will it always be something that cannot be done in visio - i.e. converting a visio page to a pdf and retaining the hyperlinks (as can be done in word).

Paul Herber

For your "another note" best to edit your post and start a new thread or append to an on-topic thread.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thank you Paul.  I will do and thank you for your very prompt help.

Kind regards


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