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Mapping your HDTV Device Connections

Started by Washington Wetneck, May 25, 2012, 08:58:33 PM

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Ever have to take down your "Home Entertainment Center" and can't recall how everything get plugged in again ?

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Washington Wetneck

Every now and them I have to clean behind my TV, DVD, Speakers, etc., winch requires me to unplug most of the devices attached to my TV.  However, plugging everything back in again can be somewhat problematic.   Especially if you are using one of Logitech's new remote controller.

My solution was to make a MAP of the Connections (see attached pic).  Almost every device that you will connection to your Home Entertainment Center (HDTV, Blu-Ray DVD, Speaker system, etc.) now comes with an online PDF users manual from which you can do a screen snap showing the rear connections on the the device.  I then copy these into Visio and then label the devices and draw the appropriate connections.

I find that this saves a lot of time & effort when it time to reconnect things again and its easy yo change the MAP when devices are added or removed.

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