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How do you draw a fractal drawing?

Started by JuneTheSecond, April 12, 2012, 01:07:10 PM

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In Visio Guy Foram here is an fractal drawing created by Visio Guy.

Here attatched is made manually from a shape.
Is it a fractal drawing at all?

Would you have any information how can we draw a fractal drawing with Visio that makes us feel relaxed?
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


I am not a fractal expert....but I believe for this to be a fractal something has to change based on the iteration.
Something like  width = base width * ration * iteration or width = base width * ratio * previous ratio 
or width = previous width * ratio
kind of thing

I believe its more about a recursive / induction kind of thing.

google      fractal equation example               to get the idea.


I googled "generate fractals" and found this site:

Looks interesting.

Visio 2019 Pro


Thank you, Vojo and Wapperdude.
Googled and googled.
Found Leonardo 's Rule for Branches.
If I wish to draw natural tree in Visio,
it seems I have to learn about
"Leonardo Da Vinci's Rule for Branches".

Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda

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