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Running a group of actions at once

Started by jemmitt, March 01, 2012, 03:24:08 PM

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I have one action I need to run on all shapes on a page at once, as it can get tedious running the same action 24 times on a page.  I am not a programmer.  I know how to create actions in the shapesheet one at a time, and I could place the appropriate code in a macro and run the macro.  Can someone suggest a method to use?  Thanks.

Post note:  I came up with this solution, though not as clean as I would have liked:  I assigned the required to shapes to the same layer, then selected the layer and changed the common shape data field once, thereby applying it to all shapes in the layer with the common field.  SO each time we run the template, we will need to select the layer and change the field.  Better than doing it multiple times.

Another solution I found is to set the same custom field name in each shape, then group.  The common custom field will show in the group selection.  Change it once and they all change.

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