How can I publish my Visio project to PDF including active CommandButtons (VBA)

Started by Spronck, January 22, 2012, 11:35:26 AM

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Hi everyone,
First of all, I am new on this forum and a rookie when it comes to Visio, that's why I need some help with my Visio project. The Visio project where I am working on, is part of my assignment. I am hoping that you could help me.
I am creating an interactive system for employees that shows flowcharts of procedures and work instructions. Now I created multiple pages and I added hyperlinks (to switch to different levels) and simple CommandButtons (Microsoft Forms 2.0 CommandButton) that show UserForms, which I created in Visual Basic Editor. When I click the CommandButton in the project (on Fullscreen) the UserForm appears.

For the CommandButtons I added this code:
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
End Sub

This document I created needs to be a controlled document and it should be published in PDF. I know that Visio already has a plugin to publish PDFs, but when I use this option, my project (in PDF) does not show active CommandButtons (where I can click on in order to open my UserForm). Though, the hyperlinks I created, DO work. Do I need to change the VBA code for my CommandButtons or my UserForms, so that I can open my UserForms in the PDF- file? If the answer is 'yes,' does anyone know the code I need to add?

I searched all over internet and I tried several programs that create PDF- files: PDF- creator, Foxxit PDF SDK Active X. Can anyone help me?

Many thanks!

PS: I have enclosed a picture how it should work. You can see one page with a opened UserForm on the lower right. This result (or something similar) I would like to see in the PDF- file.


I admittedly have been away from the Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) for awhile, but I have never heard of them supporting native VBA internal to their document products. This question is probably more appropriate if forwarded to Adobe.


Quote from: aledlund on January 23, 2012, 04:13:34 AM
I admittedly have been away from the Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) for awhile, but I have never heard of them supporting native VBA internal to their document products. This question is probably more appropriate if forwarded to Adobe.

Dear Al,
Thanks for your quick reply. You are probably right when it comes to this issue; therefore I put my question on the Adobe forum.
Maybe you can help me with this problem: I added screentips to some of my shapes and I would like to make them visible in PDF (where I was referring to). I came to several websites that suggested adding 'User defined cells' to the project, and especially visEquivTitle and its 'value' =comment, but this only seems to work when you save the project as HTML. Do you know which properties I need to add or to change? Maybe in 'miscellaneous' section?
Thanks again,


You're correct the screentips discussion you were looking at was for html only, not pdf. The 'comment' cell is in the miscellaneous part of the shapesheet. Both of the the features you're looking for are based upon the Visio application architecture, and require that visio own the document (from a system sense), not adobe. The PDF feature set knows nothing about what you're asking for it to perform.
The way that many perform what you are attempting is to put the drawings into a document management (sharepoint) system. This allows both span (who can touch it) and scope (what can they do with it). The automation parts can either be done within Visio (a custom add-in) or a WinForms application (using the drawing activex control). Using PDF for anything other than view is probably unrealistic.

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