Information Design with Smart Shapes

Started by joemako, May 06, 2008, 03:19:54 AM

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A topic I found interesting was your post on Sankey Diagram Shapes for Visio at

I recently came across Information Design Patterns at, and thought it might be interesting to see some of these interesting diagrams made into smart shapes.

Best Regards,

Visio Guy

Hey Joe M,

Thanks for the cool resource. I'd like to do an article on cool visualization sites one of these days, then get busy implementing all that stuff afterwards!

BTW, are you a big Sankey diagram user?
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010



If you like data visualization, these two posts (and their comments comments) list sites that are required reading.  :)

Not a big user, but I do find Sankey diagrams useful, and because they get complex quickly, I primarily use Illustrator for them. IMHO, the greatest thing about Visio is how powerful smart shapes are, I just love linking them to data. :)

I can not thank you enough for your site, in the past few months of having it my reader, I've gone from not knowing the shapesheet existed, to not being able to use Visio without it.

Data driven graphics is where it's at, but I am sure you already knew that. :)

BTW, how is the progress on creating your targeted e-books?

Best Regards,

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