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Finer Adjustment of Zoom?

Started by David_H, December 06, 2011, 02:31:10 AM

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I have a large multi-monitor setup and I frequently fund myself frustrated because I can't zoom in the increments I want, which are actually pretty coarse and not even what I would consider fine.  As an example right now I have an image spread across all 4 monitors (2x2 stack) and I have a good 4" (total) of unused monitor space on the top and bottom that I'd like to take advantage of.  But if I zoom using the mouse and control key, or using the zoom menu, the next zoom step is a huge adjustment that then fills the screen with overscan to spare.

Is there no way to adjust in smaller increments?!


In the box on the menubar that shows the amount of zoom, you can type a specific zoom level, e.g., 94%.

The "help" function brings up the various ways to zoom in and out.  I haven't tried the pan and zoom window, but that has a slider that might help.

No, I don't think I've heard of a way to control the zoom increment sizes.

2 x 2 stack eh?  Sounds interesting.

Visio 2019 Pro


I'm aware of the percentage selection, the problem is it doesn't work, it still just jumps to the next coarse adjustment regardless of the number inputted.  I actually use P&Z - but that's a great idea!  I never tried to use it to see if it would solve this issue!

Since you expressed interest, here is a pic of the monitor setup that I just took as i was upgrading monitors, (4) 30" on the right, and (2) 23" on the left (one was not installed yet).


There isn't a setting to change in options, but via code tou can change the Visio ZoomBehavior to visZoomVisioExact. Visio will then use the percentage you type without adjusting it.

Live life with an open mind


The monitor setup looks interesting.

Well, that was a surprise about the percentage rounding...I should have been more thorough.  Didn't expect that behaviour at all -- kinda what's the point!?!  :o  Although, there are some intermediate entries, e.g., 90%, 250%, 300% ...   ???  Still pretty coarse though.   :P

Andy's solution might help, haven't tried it.

Visio 2019 Pro


Please, try Andy's cool solution.
I had never known that Visio 2002 had already have DefaultZoomBehavior and ZoomBehavior.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Thanks, however I'm afraid I have no idea where those expressions are supposed to be entered.


In VBA. Go to VBA-Editor, place some code like

Sub Zoom()
  ActiveWindow.ZoomBehavior = visZoomVisioExact
End Sub

and start that Macro.


If you need to set permanently.

Sub ZoomExact()
    Application.DefaultZoomBehavior = visZoomVisioExact
End Sub

To restore the default zooming.

Sub ZoomDefault()
    Application.DefaultZoomBehavior = visZoomVisio
End Sub
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda



Quote from: JuneTheSecond on December 09, 2011, 11:23:53 AM
If you need to set permanently.

Sub ZoomExact()
    Application.DefaultZoomBehavior = visZoomVisioExact
End Sub

To restore the default zooming.

Sub ZoomDefault()
    Application.DefaultZoomBehavior = visZoomVisio
End Sub
Where would I find this?  I found the setting for the individual drawing by going to VBA.  But I'm not sure where to find the above option to set it permanently.  Thanks.


I'd also like to see a finer zoom increment in Visio. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to apply AndyW's VBA trick.

Quote from: ZoomBehavior is set to visZoomVisioExact, you can set the zoom to any value, either by using the Window.Zoom property or by using the Zoom slider in the Visio user interface.

This sounds very sweet.

Can this zoom behavior be made standard somehow?
Visio 2003 for production
Visio 2019



I pressed Alt+F11, then inserted this:

QuoteSub ZoomExact()
    Application.DefaultZoomBehavior = visZoomVisioExact
End Sub
...and pressed the little play button in the VBA editor toolbar.

Now it seems that I can set any zoom value manually, in like 1% increments. However, the mouse wheel zoom still is very coarse.

Can the latter be also made finer somehow? Is there a keyboard shortcut for zoom in/out (in finer increments)?

Thanks already
Cheers David.P
Visio 2003 for production
Visio 2019

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