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Started by planiolro, November 04, 2011, 09:43:53 AM

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Dear All,

I am using VISIO 2007 and try to create an Org Chart exported from Excel. Therefore I have created an excel sheet which contains the following colmuns. The header of the columns are :
1. Department;
2. Title;
3. Name;
4. Reports_To
5. Master_Shape

The names of the columns were given in accordance with the Orgdata.elx file located in the Visio directory. Despite that I am not able to create the Org chart, as once I choose the file location I get an error "Can't open file". what can be the cause of that.
An additional question. In the Reports_To coulmn what I should put if the post is vacant. Normally as I have seen in the Orgdata.xls file names are put it. What happens if the post is vacant?
I attacdhed the columns headers.

Thank you in advance for your answers.

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