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Visio 2007 Apparently Hates Adobe Flash

Started by Solusionary, October 19, 2011, 07:29:44 PM

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Hi all,

Hopefully someone can give me a bit more insight into a problem I'm having. I downloaded and installed Visio '07 to my work laptop (running 64-bit Windows 7). When I fired it up, it acted like it wanted to freeze, which is odd considering this machine is less than a year old and quite fast. Suddenly it popped up with several instances of a couple of Visual Studio '08 programs I had written as part of a C# tutorial back about 10 months ago along with the Adobe Flash Uninstaller, which crashes so quickly all you get is the error dialog saying the program has stopped working and asking you if you wanna check online for a solution, close the program, debug the program...

Weird, eh?

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Visio. That did absolutely nothing. Then I deleted the VS files, which were stored on my personal directory on the network. Visio started faster and, of course, those programs no longer ran. However, the Adobe Flash uninstaller is still trying to run. Yes, I can just close this dialog and use Visio normally, but it's a tad aggravating.

I found and read a similar thread on this forum where a user was having a problem with Visio executing all of the .exe files on her D: drive. I followed the instructions that were given to her and checked my startup path in Visio and then fired up regedit to check the registry key. In both places, the startup path points to my personal folder on the network.

I'm STUMPED. I mean, yes, the startup path points to my personal drive, which might explain why my personal VS programs executed, but nothing Adobe related is stored there. That's on my hard drive. However, if this is something directly to do with Adobe, then why were my VS programs executing?

So, anybody have any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


Paul Herber

Just clearing out the start-up path should prevent this problem. I bet you have something in there somewhere that launches Flash. Your temp folder?

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Visio Guy

Visio 2007 has a Save as PDF add-on. I don't know if they ever rolled this into the Visio setup itself, I always remember it being a separate, free download from Microsoft.

That is Adobe-related, but I have no idea if this is in any way related to your problem.
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