How to get rid of ellipsis and wrap long tooltips in Visio 2007?

Started by ovemarkstrom, September 07, 2011, 11:56:07 PM

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I have a shape which has a hyperlink and a too ltip (Comment) on it.
The tool tip is specified in the User-defined Cells using visEquivTitle.
The visEquivTitle is set to Comment, and the actual string is set in the Comment field in the Miscellaneous.

When the tooltip is long it gets cut off with an ellipsis, but I want it to wrap the tool tip text.

This is what happens
Here's a tooltip that is long so we can...

This is what I'd like
Here's a tooltip that is long so we can
see it wrap, but it doesn't wrap.

I've tried \n, <html>blah</html>, </br>, &#60;/br&#62 - all without luck.

Any ideas?

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