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Problem with Visio zoom

Started by kaksa, September 08, 2008, 06:43:09 AM

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Hi all!

I use Visio almost every day in my work. I used to imagine that I can use the tool reasonably well, but started to doubt that last week.

I can not set the zoom level to arbitrary value! If I use the zoom type in box (where you can specify the percentage), nothing happens unless I type one of the predefine values (50, 75, 100...).

How this can be? I am using Visio 2003 and my colleague Visio 2007, but the issue is visible in both. Do we have a funny setting somewhere or what is going on?


You need to change the zoom behaviour for the document. I'm not sure you can do this via the options. But I have done this through VBA,

thisDocument.ZoomBehavior = visZoomVisioExact

Visio will then use the zoom values you set rather than adjusting them.
Live life with an open mind


Wow! That was fast! Thanks for the tip!


Live life with an open mind

Visio Guy

There are some really nice keyboard shortcuts that you can use for zooming and panning. See:

Work Faster With Our Top Visio Keyboard Shortcuts

Also, if you have a roller on your mouse that can be used for zooming and panning.

I wonder if your zoom was "stuck" even when you used these shortcuts to zoom?
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Yep, it seems that by selecting an area I could zoom to what ever zoom ratio, but that does not really work for me.

When designing a screen, I need to know at which zoom level I have the same amount of actual pixels as the target device and at which zoom level the physical size is the same with the target device.

Visio Guy

If you're not averse to VB.NET/VB/VBA, you could write some functions that would zoom you to 1x, 2x, 3x, etc. then put them on a form and keep them handy...

You could even hook them to toolbar buttons, but this is unfortunately not as easy as with Excel and Word. There are code samples in this forum on how to do that:

Make your own menu bar
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010

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