Using SuperUtils to export line point values

Started by DC Kelley, June 16, 2011, 01:44:54 AM

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DC Kelley

I have just started using Visio after a long lapse and need to build up some polygons with various point representing roadway center line paths.  As I scope out what I want this app to do, I find I suddenly need a good way to export the shapes I have built up to test the resulting placement values in another program (the shape path points will end up compressed into an ASN message for use in a vehicle telematic application).   

I started by installing SuperUtils as a good way to see what the shape sheet content was and hoped I could copy-paste all the data points out until my programming could implement something suitable.  But as far as I can see the tool will only export the text of the shapes and not all the other meta content, including the point values. Is this correct?   Is there away around this if I use the compare function with a similar shape? 

If there is a better solution then using SuperUtils please point me there.  Regardless, this is great add-on for tons of other reasons.

Paul Herber

Hi, thanks for trying my SuperUtils. Sorry, the utilities don't provide the ability to export these points at present.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Paul Herber

P.S. you can see the shapesheet contents quite easily, on the shape's context menu (right-click) -> Show Shapesheet
You need to be in developer mode (File -> Options -> Advanced )
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

DC Kelley

Quote from: Paul Herber on June 16, 2011, 01:58:21 PM
P.S. you can see the shapesheet contents quite easily, on the shape's context menu (right-click) -> Show Shapesheet
You need to be in developer mode (File -> Options -> Advanced )

Understood and easily got that far. [I am an experienced VB and C programmer with many years of Office automation development, but the Visio object model continues to give me trouble]   

I will look about for an alternative or a code fragment, I am getting some pressure to use ESRI ArcInfo type tools for this project, but if I can keep it in Visio it seems to me the deployment cost will be much lower.

I remain a bit amazed that there there is not a menu item way to dump the whole shapesheet into XML or some other easily parse-able format when in the developer mode.  Seems like a good learning tool if not a useful debug aid. 

Paul Herber

I can certainly add that idea to the to-do list for the utilities.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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