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Visio 2010 Ribbon customization

Started by martytdx, May 24, 2011, 05:20:42 PM

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I created a custom tab/groups because I had several controls that I wanted top of list instead of buried.  However, the alignment of some of the groups - including those that mimic existing ones - is weird.  Is there a way to force certain items to be on a certain line?  You can see my example at -- look at the "Font" group and "Format Group".  For the former, I want font size right next to font, for the latter, I would want all of the align buttons to be icon only, and the same size.

In a related note, is there a way to get back some commands that seem to be missing?  I see "Distribute Middle" but no "Distribute Horizontal".  I also would love to have the positions "Align Left", "Align Top", "Align Center" and "Align Middle" but only the first one appears. 

Thanks in advance!

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