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Anyone Noticed the Line Thickness Problem??

Started by jimatpetards, April 07, 2011, 01:39:45 PM

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Hi All

Apart from all the other issues with Visi 2010.....

Draw three lines - 1/2 point 3/4 point and 1 point thick
Now overlap them length ways
On my screen the 1/2 point and the 3/4 point lines are exactly the same thickness!!!!

Is this the same for you guys? I so hope that there is a fix...

Really annoyed with Viso 2010 of Newcastle!

Paul Herber

All different here, try a closer zoom, use the Zoom menu and manually type in a value rather that the zoom widget.
Might also be your video drivers.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thanks Paul

As it's OK on your machine - I had a closer look at manually typing the thickness in, and checking the line using 'properties' - The problem is that I am using all my pre-2010 drawings and I've discovered that I had been using a 1.2 point line (quite how is a mystery!) So in comparison with 1/2 and 3/4 point lines it wasn't either and I was assuming it should have been!

The default line on opening my old drawing is 0.72 point so it looks like I may have some fiddling to do.

I've just tried to reproduce my original test and it now works OK!

Anyway, I am back in control!



Nope, spoke too soon!

I can draw a 1pt line OK - always reports as 1pt

Using Custom thickness I change the thickness to 1.2 to match all the other lines

Visio promptly changes the line to 3.40157

This even happens on a NEW drawing! Would you give that a try for me please on your machine?




My mistake! I typed in 1.2mm instead of 1.2pt.  :-[


Paul Herber

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


OK I am switchingfrom visio 2007 to 2010... I can do this in 2007 but they changed something and I can not in 2010....

with nothing selected, I select the Home tab
I click on the down arrow beside the line tool in the Shape 'box' along the top menu bar.
I click line option
I set the line weight to 3 pt.
I click OK
I repeat to verify I have changed what I think is the default line weight.
I now choose the line tool, and draw a line in the work area.
The resulting line is always black, solid, 1/4 pt.

I tried the same to change the line color, dash, and arrows option.
The only line property that appears to change the 'default' line properties is arrows.

What am I doing wrong with 2010? I find nothing in the help about even changeing the default line properties such as I am doing.. anything related indicates I must create the object first then I change the properties of that object.. this does not work for how I have been using visio as I have many overlapping lines with different weights/colors/dashes/arrows and selecting the right ones is problematic ...

I change line weights, color and arrow option very often and then draw dozens of lines. Creating a custome stencil is just not practicle for the way I got used to working. The fact that I can set the Arrows property for the line indicates to me that MS removed the behavior for line weight, dashes and color... can that really be true!!?

I am running Version 14.0.6112.5000 (32-bit)  (i.e. Visio 2010 service pack 1)

Thanks for your insight/knowledge.


First, I'm not a big V2010 fan, so I don't have a lot of experience with it.  But, I do have access to V2010, and I also did some research in Chris' book, Using Visio 2010.  If you have access to the book, I'm referencing page 192.

It is possible to preset line style, fill, and text (font, paragraph) options as the desired default, so long as you do it before drawing any thing.  I tried it, and it does work.  However, it does not impact the dynamic connectors.  Also, these are not global settings that carry over from one Visio session to the next.  They just track with the current drawing file, and they do not impact masters that you drop onto the page.

Visio 2019 Pro


Thanks for the reply.. indeed I can set the line weight with the procedure you outline... however (no fault of yours) I am seriously considering returning to V2007 because of this deficency. I got V2010 because of the support for layers, but that improvement is not worth the features such as this one they took out (!?? bizzare), and the change over in ease of use (UI differences).

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