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Trying to create a simple shape - not so simple I guess

Started by sfeldner, April 03, 2011, 09:19:51 PM

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Hi All,
I'm trying to create a shape and the documentation is failing me.  I'm using Visio 2003 and I'm trying to create a shape for use in landscaping projects.  I want to have the elevation view of a fence built with the lattice material available from building centers - 1 1/2 inch strips with a fill color, criss-crossing, with 2 3/4 inch spacing between strips in 4x8 sheets.  I created parallelograms for the strips from scratch and laid-out the latice using about 34 strips.  When I go to trim the rough layout, I use a 4x8 rectangle but no matter what "operation" I use, the overlapping strips end up being hundreds of open objects that I can't fill.  I'm sure this is the way that Visio is supposed to work but I can't find any documentation and haven't been able to figure out any way to do what I need.  Of course, in the future I'd like to be able to trim the 4x8 shape I create to the sizes I wouild be using in real life - not changing the scale or aspect ratio of the lattice.  I've considered creating a pattern to just fill a shape but I've found that is even farther over my head.  If someone could point me in the right direction or to the right documentation I woiuld really appreciate it!

Thank you very much!


If I am understanding your description...  are the strips you created  made with rectangles? I am thinking the sequence of this should be..
create a rectangle which represents a strip .. then duplicate  as many times that strip... then arrange the strips on the page so that you can see the lattice pattern you want...
then create a large rectangle and lay it over the parts of the lattice you want to be trimmed OFF.  Then select the large rectangle hold the cntrl button and then select the strips you want sheered OFF .. then try the subtraction operation.. this should sheer away the lattice strips.. once you have sheered away the unwanted portions .. you can then fill the strips.. maybe you can post an image of the lattice prior to any shape operation, that way we can get a visual


Assuming you dont like the standard lattice fill pattern

then why wouldnt you do this

- parallegram for the angle slat
- another parallegram (same size right next to it) with no fill
- align them horizontally / make sure next to each other
- group them
- copy N times
- line them up
- allign horizontally
- group
- copy /paste
- flip horizontally
- align center horizontal and vertical
- group

this should give you the cross hatch you want

Now since are looking at variable sizes / uses

- could make this a custom fill pattern (I am not good with that so somebody else can help there)...this is probably the best option if you can make work
- copy paste as JPEG and crop as needed....if you have cutouts, then need to place the cut out region in front of group.
- scale proportionally using the upper or lower corners.....this will make the slats "thinner" but maybe that is what you want
  (ie lattice comes in 4 X 8 sheets usually so if you make the base shape that....then scaling makes it look like you are looking at 4 X 8 from farther away).



Sorry this is so late in coming, on vacation & accessibility is limited.

The attached shows process for making a lattice using the Array Shape  add-on, and then using the result to created a scaled fill pattern.  Using a fill pattern has the advantage of filling any shape without distorting.

You may want to check out VisioGuy's post:  plus others.

Visio 2019 Pro

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