Cell table name?

Started by Bob, February 20, 2011, 12:12:23 AM

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Is there such a thing as a cell table name?  I have some shapes that have either for instance 5, 20 or 40 custom cells some of which have the fields I am looking for and some that don't.  I could figure out what to do with the data depending on the table name such a "Table_with_5_custom_cellnames_including_building_and_room" or "Table_with_10_custom_cellnames_including_building_but_not_room".  Extremely long table names but you get the idea hopefully.  Other than a table name I have to iterate thru each shapes cells and categorize them according to custom data cell length and wheather they have some or all of the particular data fields I am interested in which is very awkward.  Thanks.