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Conditional Formatting Visio 2007

Started by cpsriskanalyst, July 28, 2008, 07:03:55 PM

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Visio Guy

Ah, a proper pint for Paul!

And for me, it's a bier :)
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Visio Guy

One more note on my last example:

There are two lists that we are considering: a list of states, and a list of colors.

We get an index of which state is selected by using the LOOKUP function. This value is then used to "index into" our list of colors.

On first glance, it almost looks like we are doing a circle by "indexing a lookup", but since we have two lists, it actually makes sense.
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An understated point of power and efficiency of this approach, not immediately obvious to some of us slower folks, is that the color index list is not restricted to the values and the order shown.  So, CA doesn't have to be white.  The 1,2,3,4 index could be 5,8,6,9 yielding:

California is yellow (5)
Florida is brown ( 8 )
Illinois is pink (6)
Virginia is drk green (9)

Thanks Visio Guy!

Visio 2019 Pro

Paul Herber

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Paul Herber

Quote from: cpsriskanalyst on July 29, 2008, 05:59:11 PM
nevermind, i inserted this for my formula and it worked great. 

= "-lookup(Prop.Sep, " & Chr$(34) & "1;2;3;4;5" & Chr$(34) & ")"
thanks again though for all your help, I don't know where i'd be without it!!!!

Ah yes, that's because your lookup formula contained " characters so the first one effectively closed the formula. As you may have realised chr$(34) is character 34decimal = 22hex = the doublequotes character. I think you can do the same thing by putting the doublequotes character twice.

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