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Started by aeenderson, December 10, 2010, 08:34:21 PM

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Does anyone know how to insert a file from SolidWorks into Visio so it can be edited? I need to crop and insert callouts onto the drawings. I have never used SolidWorks so I don't know the different file types. Does the illustrator need to save the SolidWorks files in a particlar format or do anything else to get them to convert properly to Visio?


Paul Herber

Try a metafile type, .emf or .wmf
Your editing will be limited though, and you won't be able to export back into anything SolidWorks can work with.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


You will first need to bring your model into 2D ie a drawing, not the model. You will then export the drawing to a dwg or dxf file. This latter can then be imported into visio.


Thanks, Paul and Yacine... I'll let my drafters know and we'll get going on this. Once I edit the drawings in Visio it will not need to be exported back to SolidWorks; I just have to manipulate the files a bit (crop, add callouts) for my manual.

Thanks again!


Okay, I successfully imported the file from SolidWorks into Visio, converted it to a Visio drawing object (so I could delete unnecessary objects that I couldn't crop because they were in the middle of the drawing), and saved it as a TIFF file. The only problem is now my TIFF file is 171MB!! The Visio file size is 5.4 MB. Is there a way to decrease the size of the TIFF file?

FYI, I'm importing these files by reference into Word for a technical manual...


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