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Doing curved arrows like Powerpoint

Started by Seabreeze, July 24, 2008, 10:13:37 PM

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Hello all! (I'm using the 2007 Office versions of both PP and Visio with the "ribbon")

Simple question:  I'm used to easily doing curved arrows between 2 box shapes in Powerpoint (using curved arrow connector, under Insert|Shapes)

Is there a shape that is just as easy to do that in Visio?

Which standard Stencil would contain a curved arrow connector? 
(I can get to one via Search, but does any Stencil have one already there?)


Paul Herber

In the Connectors stencil
menu File -> Shapes -> Visio Extras -> Connectors

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thanks, that worked!

And I guess it's intended that after you drag on and draw the line, you can select it and change it's weight and arrowhead with the "line weight" and "line ends" toolbar items?

Visio Guy

On a related note, this article and download apply somewhat to this post: Circular Multi-arrows
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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