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How to do a customized schedule

Started by dman4x4, November 13, 2010, 05:30:28 PM

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  I have Visio 2010. I'm trying to do a custom schedule (sort of a timeline).

The main horizontal line will represent frequencies (from 100Hz to 1,000 Hz in 10s or 50s).

Then, below that that line I need to have like 10 or 15 types of bands (in separate rows) that will be presented in this timeline.

How is this possible in Visio?



Since I don't have V2010, I cannot answer with any degree of certainty, but, I don't imagine that the scheduling features between 2007 & 2010 have changed that much.  Having said that, I believe your question is, can you make a timeline, or Gantt chart using custom units, something other than time increments.  Visio doesn't allow for that.  You would need to make your own, custom shapes.  The main issue in adapting the schedule related shapes is that there is a lot that happens behind the scenes and is hard coded.

But, perhaps someone with V2010 will provide a different answer.

Visio 2019 Pro


Hi wapperdude,
  That's exactly what I wanted to do, to customize a "timeline" using units or scale other than "time". In my case, frequency scale. Actually, I would like to be able customize a timeline using any other range other than time.

Hopefully will be able to tell us how. Otherwise, I might have to revert to Excel for help.


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