Cannot insert text based on custom fields in a complex stencil

Started by trudyk, July 21, 2008, 07:12:26 PM

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I've been beating my head against this...can anyone help?  I know how to insert fields into text, ones that correspond to custom properties on a stencil, but this only appears to work for simple shapes (square, circle).  As soon as I try to do the same thing to a stencil built up from simple shapes (say, the workstation stencil under 'simple network diagram') I am no longer able to call up any of the custom fields to insert into text.  Anyone else dealt with this problem? I'm using Visio 2002


I dont have this problem (custom properties at group level displayed at a sub sub sub shape for the group of 30 shapes).   You sure you got all the sheet info correct?   2003 standard


Well, try to do what I did.  Get the workstation stencil from the basic network shapes group.  Modify one of its custom qualities, say, "Room".  Now try to get that custom quality to display as a field in the text box of that stencil via "insert > field > (custom formula *or* Custom properties...i've tried both, btw )...  Can you?  Thanks for looking!


can even change the custom property names and have no problems


I've tried it in 2003.  It does work.  One thing I've noticed, though, is that in 2003 the shapes are images, rather than complex amalgums of simpler shapes.  Perhaps this has something to do with it.  I'm going to construct a shape in 2003 out of simpler ones and test this.


I used this alot...right click the shape

sorry for all the posts....this tool needs more space for attachments


what version of visio is this?  Neither 2002 nor 2003 will open it.


visio 2003 standard (11.3216.6412)    Have used it for several years.
I did zip the file...assume you know that.

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