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Cropping or editing Shape Page Size

Started by avzone, July 22, 2008, 05:48:58 PM

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I have a shape that I want to crop. It's locked and will not crop in the drawing or when I open it to edit. I checked all of the usual suspects in the shapesheet that could be locking it and no luck.

I the process I was trying to change the page size for the shape, but the image size, etc. is linked to it, so it distorts. Anyway, I want to crop the shape. HELP!

The stencil is attached.

Visio Guy

Hey AVZ,

The shape appears to be grouped. What that means is that you have a (croppable) metafile inside of a (not-croppable) Visio group.

It looks like the group contains lots of nice Shape Data fields. The guts were probably swapped-out to take advantage of these fields.

If you open the group (Edit > Open Group), you can crop the phone shape inside, although this will make the phone appear to be a different size than the group.

If you don't care about the Shape Data fields, you can just ungroup the shape. You'll then have the raw metafile that is croppable.

- Chris
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Paul Herber

The shape appears to an image stored within a Visio shape. If you don't still have the original image then
a. drop the shape on a blank Visio page
b. expand the image so that it fills the page, or larger. Do this by dragging the resize handles at the corners.
c. menu File -> Save As, select GIF or PNG as the file type, choose a suitable folder and file name and click OK.
You will now have an image that you can open and edit with an image editor.
When you have done editing you can drop the new image into Visio and save it into a stencil.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Quote from: Visio Guy on July 22, 2008, 06:36:29 PM
Hey AVZ,

The shape appears to be grouped. What that means is that you have a (croppable) metafile inside of a (not-croppable) Visio group.

It looks like the group contains lots of nice Shape Data fields. The guts were probably swapped-out to take advantage of these fields.

If you open the group (Edit > Open Group), you can crop the phone shape inside, although this will make the phone appear to be a different size than the group.

If you don't care about the Shape Data fields, you can just ungroup the shape. You'll then have the raw metafile that is croppable.

- Chris

I did ungroup the shape, but the shape page size stays the same. If I try to adjust it in the shapesheet, it distorts the shape. The other undesireable result with ungrouping it, is the text changes size and location. Basically, the end result I'm looking for is to crop it leaving only the top half (display) and the text in the display be user defined as required. So how can I do this?

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