Benefits and efficiencies gained around a seating chart

Started by noppojp, October 04, 2010, 11:35:22 PM

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Thanks for the nice site. I'm in Asia, quite good with Access, etc.

I'm not new to Visio, but i'm new to linking it to Access.  That linked relationship has made a hero out of someone i know, so i'm sold on it.  I've seen it with my own eyes what that linked relationship can do for org charts, etc.  Powerful.

My question - using Access and Visio, what are the benefits of having a seating chart linked to Access?  i can't figure it out.

The way i see it, having data in the DB be the record source, and simply printing out the seating chart would be the ideal state of things. There would be no touching the Seating chart - except for minor touch-ups.

How would i point the data in the DB to a specific location on the seating chart?  i'm having a mental block with this one.  Maybe having a column in the employee table showing a specific spot that Susie would sit, and when the chart is printed out, Susie's data is plopped in the shape for that specific spot?  Any good examples of this so that i can understand what's going on here?  i'm sold on what the org chart wizard and other code-induced automation can do.  i need to be sold on how Visio can do some snazzy work on seating charts.  Then, i'll take on a project after doing some selling the concept to others.

Kindly point me in the right direction please so that i can understand how the above would happen, and what the benefits are (time savings?, saved paper?).  Looking for some pain points to solve.  Thanks!!

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