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Visio 2007 Printer Smart Tags

Started by bhartenb, July 17, 2008, 04:10:52 PM

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Good morning,

I'm new to this board so I hope I'm using the proper area to ask for help.

We use Visio 2007.  We've created a floorplan of our building, and I've embedded a printer from the 'Resources' template onto the floorplan.  The smart tag works great when I open the drawing in Visio.

However when I save the drawing as a web page the smart tag functionality disappears. 
Have I missed a switch in the web page save procedure?

I looked at some of the html, xml, and jscript files in the folder created by the save as web page process, but nothing was immediately obvious to switch on the smart tag.

Any help in resolving my problem would be appreciated.
Thank you for your response.


Visio Guy

Hi Bill,

The Smart Tags in Visio are really a type of UI interface. In that respect, they are akin to right-mouse click/context menu items. Context menu items don't export to web pages, and I don't think there's any way to get Smart Tags to show up in the export either.

The printer functions actually call add-on code, which is accessible from inside of Visio, but not from general html pages.

The Web Export supports hyperlinks, of course, so maybe you could "double-up" your shapes: smart tags and hyperlinks. But I'm not sure if it is possible to somehow create a hyperlink that mimics these functions (Find a printer in the directory, Browse for a printer, etc.)

I think you are using the functionality described in this article form David Parker:

Visio FMPrint Add-on

I thought I'd reference it here, for people who are interested in learning more about what we're talking about in this thread.
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


Thank you very much for your response. 

I see now that my posting was poorly thought out.

I'm trying to get a Viso drawing uploaded to SharePoint while protecting the drawing from update (including the FMPrint add-ons).  This is why I was exploring the save as web page option.

I'll re-post the issue with a clearly stated question.


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