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Nifty templates

Started by Lars-Erik, July 07, 2008, 09:39:57 AM

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I came across this site:
It has some templates that you can download and play with. Personally, being a mechanical engineering student, there are some fun projects there. My Japanese (or what ever it is) is somewhat rusty  ::). But still nice visio stuff.

The macro's don't have to be enabled, and there is still some crap in his VBA, but nothing harmful.

edit: They seem to be from the same guy as the piping isometrics from one of your last posts Chris.

Visio Guy

This is from the same guy that made the isometric piping shapes: Go 3D with Free Isometric Piping Shapes for Visio

When I first interviewed at Visio as an intern, this is the kind of stuff I imagined doing with Visio. In 1992, you couldn't really do it, but the groundwork was laid...
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They are rather buggy, and his calculation of the moment is just plain wrong :)
When the direction changes the moment is displayed as a negative but the arrow of the moment changes direction... big no no

Maybe worth checking if I could improve on this. Always nice to be able to draw nice displays of the forces in play.

PS: Both my education and the company I did my traineeship for (The Visio P&ID stuff) gave me an eight. /cheer

Visio Guy

Eight, is that like a grade or score? We have A, B, C, D, and E or F for FAIL (ha!) At uni, we had 0 - 4.0, 4.0 being the best...twice as good as me ;)

Sounds like you did well, congratulations!
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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