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Automatic formats for shapes and lines

Started by nst21710, July 09, 2008, 02:46:20 PM

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Hello All,

I have a very basic question. I am currently creating a flowchart that is very simple (white box with black border and black arrows). However, every time I select my shape or line and drag it on my worksheet, it defaults to a blue filled box and a blue line. I have done the Format > Line or Fill thing and changed the properties. Is there another way to ensure that every time I select a shape it defaults to my properties? I know I can copy and paste an existing item, but I would prefer to change the default.



If your using Visio 2007 you can take a look at the theme function.

- Lars


Sorry, I forgot to mention it's Visio 2003.


You could change the shape to your likings and then save it on a new stencil.
1- Create a new stencil
2- Drag the shape, formatted as you want it to the stencil
3- Save the stencil

Or you could use the "format copy" function in Visio, its in the normal toolbar and looks like a paintbrush.
1- Select the shape with the format you like
2- Use the format copy tool
3- Select the shape you want to change

- Lars

Visio Guy


Right-click the page and look for an item called "Color Schemes".

I think there might also be a "Flowchart" menu item in the main menu bar that has "Color Schemes", or perhaps under "Tools". This is the Visio 2003 version of theme-ing, which was improved in Visio 2007.

Some of the core Visio solutions, like flowcharting have color schemes set to something interesting by default.
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I've been fighting this same issue since installing Visio 2003 and have just been living with it.  The "color schemes" function isn't really hidden but it's not out there for all to see either.  Here's where I found it:

Tools | Add-Ons | Visio Extras | Color Schemes

Select Black and White, Apply, OK.

This is only available when a drawing is open.  I've applied this to my custom drawing templates and it seems to work.  I haven't opened every possible shape to verify that but I'm hopeful.


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