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creating an excel database from a diagram

Started by merlin777, July 29, 2010, 08:54:35 PM

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is it possible to ask vision to create an excel file and populate it from a diagram without having to construct a suitable excel workbook to start with?

I'm using 2003



It doesn't seem fair to have to answer a question with a question. What version (standard/pro)? You might check out Visio's help for Database Wizard. It's one of the add-ins.


I'm using pro. I did try the wizard but I had a string of errors I couldn't work my way through and I couldn't find the answers in help. Apart from these errors I'm looking for a way to construct the table from a diagram with many shape types and it'll take ages so I was hoping to reverse engineer a table automatically. The wizard of the same name doesn't seem to do this.


What is with reports? You should find it under Menu Data. At least in visio 2007. Maybe it is not part of 2003?


OK - thanks. I've found a way of running a report that creates an excel sheet with my chosen headings in it.

is the spreadsheet that's been created of the correct type and format to link back to the original diagram? For instance, it doesn't seem to have a unique key etc.


Hi Merlin,
no, the report is a one way tool. But you can save it as an independent excel sheet, add an ID row and now link it to your shapes via data wizard or vba.


Ahhh, thanks Yacine.

Is this just a case of inserting a new column A with a unique set of numbers in it?


Hi Merlin,
yes inserting a column with unique numbers shall be enough on the excel side.
However I am not sure if the DB wizard can write this number without problems to the original shapes. Try it out.

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