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Shape Substitute

Started by chemmes, December 07, 2010, 09:08:42 AM

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I have the hope that VSU will solve one of my problems but while evaluating. I have a shape that is basically a rectangle with some added functionality, e.g. the color depends on a data field. I use this shape in multiple documents but when I change the master I want to make the change over multiple documents. I am trying [Shape(s) substitute] to do this but it is not working.

I have created a new document and placed both the old and the new version of the shape on an empty page. I open the Document stencil and see both masters on the stencil. I now select the old version shape on the page and select [Shape(s) substitute]. I select the [Document stencil] radio button and than select "A" as the [New shape name]. After clicking the [Substitue] button I get the message [Cannot find shape "A" in open stencil]. I have tried to create a stencil first with the new shape but that has the same result.

Substituting with standard shapes works fine. I am running a Dutch version of Visio 2007 under Windows XP.

Paul Herber

Is the document stencil open and visible?
Try this, temporarily close all stencils except the document stencil, then do menu SuperUtils -> Stencil -> Stencil Report
Does the shape you want to use as the replacement have identical Name and NameU ?
If they are different then try using the other name.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Paul Herber

Ah, hold on, sorry, the Stencil Report doesn't work on the Document Stencil.
However, I have just proved to myself that if the shape in the Document Stencil has been renamed at some time then its Name and NameU will be different, the substitute cannot then find it. Hmmm.
Can you copy the shape from the Document Stencil to a new ordinary stencil, save it. Now run the stencil report and check its Name and NameU.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Paul Herber

Right, I've found the problem, you can't rely on the shape being found in the Document Stencil. Put the shape in a normal stencil. That will work.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I have copied the shape to a new stencil and saved the stencil (this was essential). When I now do a substitute I get the message [1 substitute made]. So there is progress. But, I am missing some items after the substitute. Comparing the shapesheets of the original master against the one after the substitute I see that some items where not substituted(e.g. [Shape Data], [Line Format], [Fill Format]). I my assumption that when checking all substitute options, the complete shapesheet should have been replaced correct?

Paul Herber

Ticking the boxes for 'text' .. 'smart tags' will copy data and formula from the original shape into the new shape, i.e. if you are replacing a square with a triangle but want to keep all of the properties of the square except its name and geometry then tick all the boxes. The square will become a triangle but keep all the other data associated with the square.
Just a thought ... what types of shapes are you using? Some types of diagrams use an add-on that tries to keep control of the appearance and data contents of its shapes. The addon will probably take precedence over the SuperUtils addon.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I attached a stencil with the concerning shape. When I substitute a standard shape with this one I do see items from the following sections being substituted: Text, Geometry, Actions, Character, Shape Data. But I am missing the substitutions to the sections Line Format, Fill Format, Events.

Paul Herber

Sorry, can't find any problem.
What shape are you substituting?
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I have tried it with a simple rectange or circle. I see the geometry changing but the fill color should be dependend on the value of the shape data field "Type". Also when double clicking the shape the shape data dialogue should open. I attached a Visio file in which I substituted a rectangle and a elipse with the "Component Nieuw" shape.

Paul Herber

So, if you want the final shape to have the, say, events section of the new shape then remove the tick for the events box.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


 I feel stupid, reliefed and very happy at the same time. I totally misunderstood the function of the ticks, sorry for that. This is the tool I am looking for and I haven't even looked at the other functions yet. I am going to order my license this evening. Thanks for the support.

Paul Herber

Brilliant, not at all, it makes me think that maybe the boxes work the wrong way round, or it's not explained properly! Thanks for the feedback.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I just purchased and received the (temporary) registration key. I think the substitute alone is worth €40. This is going to make my Visio life a lot easier. Thanks for the support.

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