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Visio Super Utils has a new home!

Started by Paul Herber, September 11, 2023, 06:47:44 PM

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Paul Herber

I have decided to hand over the upkeep and maintenance of the Super Utils to Nikolay at Unmanaged Visio.
It's been 17 years now (where has the time gone?) since the first incarnation of the Utils, which came about
from a collection of bits of code I'd found useful while creating diagrams and stencils and one customer said
"I'd pay you for code that does that!" But I'm now running out of ideas, and technology is moving on ...
Please go and have a look at what Nikolay is going to do over at:

Farewell old code, you were born in Delphi and concluded with me in Visual Studio. Go on to your further frontiers.
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


That was a surprise for me, to be honest.

Paul, many thanks to you for your trust in me.
Will try to do my best to maintain the Super Utilities in the future.

Here is a place to put the ideas what to add there (yes, GitHub, new times new sites):

For the current 3.8 version (apart from migration), added two new things:
- The installer does not require admin permissions anymore.
- Launcher app that would allow placing the Utilities to the Windows store in the future (start menu shortcut)

All existing keys (licenses) should continue working as-is.


Visio 2019 Pro

Paul Herber

For the current 3.8 version (apart from migration), added two new things:
- The installer does not require admin permissions anymore.
- Launcher app that would allow placing the Utilities to the Windows store in the future (start menu shortcut)

You see, already Nikolay has added features that I have struggled with for ages!
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


The second one is just a start menu shortcut to a "launcher", nothing else.
Thinking of placing the tools in the store (I've tested that path that with my PdfTip, seems to work)


Nikolay for Store Manager. Can I bring in my 2nd hand stuff?


A follow-up: "Help" menu was not working in 3.8 (not opening PDF file with documentation because of install location change)
Fixed in the latest build, 3.8.2553


Quote from: Nikolay on September 11, 2023, 07:38:52 PMAll existing keys (licenses) should continue working as-is.
Many years ago Paul gave me a license for v.2. I'm afraid I can't find the key anymore.


You are right, all existing 3.x licenses...
The Delphi version (2.x) had a different licensing system.

Anyway. Surrogate, wapperdude, Yacine, Visisthebest - I'll send you a PM with 3.8 key.
If you could find some time to check out to see if 3.8 version works for you, would be grateful!


Thank you, Paul and Nikolay !!!

Just install v.3.8! It looks great!!!
I'm going to be doing a test drive soon, I need to copy a lot of sheets into other documents. I mean about very heavy documents.
Very interested in the operation of the options:

  • Copy page to another document
  • Document Merge to end/beginning of document


Forgot to activate the store. Oh mein Gott ::) Now it runs :)

Paul Herber

It all looks very good. I think VSU is in safe hands.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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