Visio for enterprise architects managing data sources

Started by wuz, July 05, 2008, 10:19:59 AM

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Hello everybody,

I want to use Visio for Enterprise Architects (11.8207. SP3) to manage my database. The generation of a ddl file works fine but i have troubles with the reverse engineering. More precisly it always takes the master databse from the system tables as input.
I know that there is an option to switch the default database but it seems to have no affect.
Therefore i really wanted to redo my data source settings but i don't know how to delete them.

When i open Database - Reverse Engineering there i only have the possibility to choose an existing one or new, but not the possibility to delete one...

thx and kind regards

Visio Guy

Hi Wuz,

Since my main area of expertise is with the customization and automation of Visio, I can't help much with the database solutions. In fact, it almost seems that such folks are a dying breed. Hopefully somebody smarter than me will catch this thread and help you out.

If not, try the general Visio newsgroups:

and, I've been collecting links for a Database Article, but you've beat me to the punch. Perhaps you can ask the guys who wrote these articles via the comments forms:

Good luck,

- Chris
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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Thx for your links they were quite helpful, let me add another one:

To solution to my problem was to mage the datasoruces (ODCB) in the windows system management. There i was able to delete and add a new datasource, so i added a new System-DNS and it worked perfectly.
Pretty cool to have a roundtrip engineering between visio enterprise architects - mssqlserver

thx and cu

Visio Guy

For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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