Visio 2010 Backstage Options Mega List

Started by Visio Guy, June 28, 2010, 08:29:05 AM

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Visio Guy

Find the setting you need...quickly!

There are over 100 options in Visio 2010's Backstage | Options dialog!

It's a heck of a lot easier to search the text on this page then to visually scan the dialog with it's nine different tabs!

Visio 2010 Backstage Options Mega List
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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Do you know, is there any info on Visio backstage customization available?
I mean, like one requested here:

Visio Guy

I think that the Solution Publishing tool from the SDK is supposed to allow you to add new template groups, but I haven't tried it with 2010, and I think you've already experimented with it.

Chris Hopkins has written a great article: A Complete Solution for Visio 2010 and Visio Services. That might have some more info about publishing.

And of course Introducing the Microsoft Visio 2010 Beta SDK is another good place to start as well.
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010

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