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Measuring Solutions or Tools

Started by Pool Guy, June 23, 2010, 01:35:04 AM

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Pool Guy

I have been using Visio for 15+ yrs for architectural renderings, and with each new version I have been uneasy with changing over. Recently I upgraded from 03 to 07, and "Murphy's Law" the Shape Area and Perimeter is unavailable (or to be clearer it doesn't show up in my drop-downs).

As of now I am flash driving every thing to an old machine with 03 so I can measure. Does anyone have some help they can provide me with?

Paul Herber

Have you upgraded to Visio 2007 Standard or Professional?
The Shape Area and Perimeter tool is in Professional, not Standard.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Pool Guy

Thanks, Paul.  That would make sense, now wouldn't it.  I guess that was a tool left out in the comparison between Standard & Professional.  Is there another resolution other than spending so much for the upgrade to Pro?

John Distai

I know this doesn't solve the issue with shape area and perimeter, and this will probably be considered "the hard way", but I have a potential work around. 

I've been working on a landscape plan from a scanned property survey.  The survey has a "scale" graphic, and I included that graphic when I scanned the image.  I drew a line across the scale and determined my ratio of line length to scale length.  In my case it was 1" = 21.8'.  So I could draw a line between 2 points, check the size of the line in the shape size and position window, multiply it by 21.8, and determine my real distance.  Like I said, probably the "hard" way to do this, but it worked.

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