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Create custom endpoint in shape master

Started by ChrisLynch, June 15, 2010, 12:18:57 AM

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I am trying to edit a stencil master, where the connector endpoint is in the middle of the object, which is shown in the attached image and the blue dash line.  It appears to be a layer.  When I ungroup it, there is no object to move that would represent that connector line.  Basically, I need to move the connector endpoint from the middle to the bottom of the stencil.  Can anyone point to some documentation on how to do this, or walk me through?

Thank you from a n00b.


Hi Chris,
your shape seems to be a line or 1D-Shape with 0 height. As you can ungroup it, you are also able to open the group (menu edit) and in the newly opened window you can move the sub-shapes of the group upwards until a black line which is the group's outline appears.


Thanks for the reply Yacine.  However, I have no idea what you just said.   :-[  I am using Visio 2010 Pro.  I have taken a look at the ShapeSheet of the stencil.  I believe I need to modify some cell value here, but I don't know which.  Looking on MSDN doesn't help much.

TYIA for any guidance.


Sorry Chris,

there are at least 2 notions that may need to be explained: 1D vs. 2D shapes and groups vs. joined shapes.
I hope you don't mind if I answer graphically. You'll see also how the 1D group works.
I'll leave it someone else to put it in words...
HTH and Cheers




The lowest part of your shapes group must be at the outline level of the "line" group.

Visio Guy

By the way, the mystery line is very likely a connector, as those are 1D shape handles from Visio 2010.

See: 1D Shape Handles Through the Years
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


Thanks for your replies.  Yacine, your examples are from Visio 2003/2007.  However, I am running 2010, and I'm sorry to say that I could not figure out how to map what you were showing me to 2010.  For instance, I cannot find any correlation to Edit -> Open Group as you show in the final image attachment.

Visio Guy

How to open group in Visio 2010:

1. Right-click shape
2. Choose: Group > Open Group

If you don't know this, you'll never find it, so don't feel bad! :)
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


Thank you Visio Guy.  I really appreciate the patience. 


you know what? Send your shape, I correct it, buy me a beer!  ;D


Heh...  Thanks Yacine.  Check your PM.

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