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Connection Points / Connectors - Resizing with shape/group....

Started by Brandy, June 03, 2010, 04:52:48 PM

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This is what happens when you set the drawing page to

Page:   "Size to fit drawing contents"

Drawing Scale:  "Custom Scale" = 1x10 (note:  all the drawings were designed on this scale and if I change it to "No Scale", all the connectors disperse to infinite...)


PS:  It took me 2 hours just to capture this view... 2 hours.... :o 


Let's try it with pictures PageSetup.PNG::)


Quote from: Brandy on June 05, 2010, 02:57:16 AMPS:  It took me 2 hours just to capture this view... 2 hours.... :o 
See it as an investment in your visio skills ;D


Sorry to disappoint you... as I have stated... I have those settings....

Now what?

You are not understanding me... I have over 100 diagrams... my document is 498, xxx, xxxx large....

I've been down that road... now I have nowhere to go.....

Thanks for trying



Investment..... right... I can scream... I'm running out of time.... and options

My document is 36x150, set to fit on one page.

I tried resizing anyway and reset the connectors... well, the connections lines went across the shapes, down shapes, on top of shapes, below shapes... everything but the way they were set on the page.  Since I have so many shapes on the page... I had to maneuver the line around, under, and so on to make the drawing readable, and look good.  If I reset the connectors, I have to redesign each entire diagram/drawing again... too many diargrams and too much work...

I am at a lost at this point....



Hi Brandy --

That was one weird result that you ended up with!

So, let me see if I understand correctly, please correct where necessary...
1.)  You have an existing drawing that is 36X150.  Is that the original drawing size?  I'm assuming inches? 
2.)  Your document has many diagrams, that is, many pages.
3.)  The goal of shrinking is to make each fit onto a standard size sheet, e.g., A or B or the metric equivalent?
4.)  There is no other reason to shrink the drawing.
5.)  You have tried the following steps, for each drawing page -- I think it has to be done of a per page basis:
          a.)  For the page being viewed:  Menu Bar > File > Page Setup.
          b.)  Page Size tab:  you have checked either the "Pre-defined" or the "Custom size" options.
          c.)  It isn't necessary to select "Size to fit drawing contents".  (I tend to not use this unless making Master shapes for a stencil.)
          d.)  Print Setup tab:  In the "Print zoom" region, select the option "Fit to" and enter "1" in sheet(s) across and sheet(s) down.
          e.)  Hit OK.

This should not affect your actual drawing.  It will only affect how the drawing page is printed. 

By the way, if you do want your drawing to have a different page size, then, you should be able to
     a.)  change the size on the Page Size tab.  this will only create a larger or small drawing area.
     b.)  go to Drawing Scale, and reset the scale proportionately.  This will shrink or expand the existing drawing, if so desired, to fit the new drawing page.  Do not select the shapes and drag them to fit the new page size!!!.  Only use the Drawing scale.

Neither of these steps should alter or affect the drawing shape positions or arrangements.

Please verify that these are the steps you've tried.

Visio 2019 Pro


You are correct, however, it does affect the drawing...

I've tried everything you mentioned...

Sorry to say, but I still get the same results.... I tried just reducing the size after running the script and reset the connectors, but it was too much.  I only tried it on several diagram and received the same results... It's too much of re-work...

There has to be another way....

Again, thank you so much for all your help.



I did not want to upset you. I apologize for my tone.
But for God's sake, if the matter is so serious, why not hire one of the pros here?
I understand that you cannot publish your diagram in a public forum, but you certainly can set up a quick confidentiality agreement with one of the guys and send that document.
The costs can't be higher than the hours you spent already in this work.


Really!?!   :P  Edit:  This is response to Brandy's last post, not Yacine's. 

Those steps aren't supposed to affect the drawing.

So.  Let's see where this goes wrong...
First, I presume you have a back up copy of your file.

Step 1.  Go to the File > Page Setup > Page Size tab.  
   a.)  Click the Custom size option.  In the boxes, make each number 4X bigger.
   b.)  Say OK.
   c.)  Your drawing should appear on a page size that is 4X wider and taller than the original.
   d.)  Zoom in on your drawing.  It should look the same.

Step 2.  If everything in Step 1 is OK...Go to the Drawing Scale tab.
   a.)  Select custom scale option
   b.)  Make the number in the left box 4X bigger.
   c.)  Say OK
   d.)  Your drawing should now fill the new page just as it used to, and it should be OK.

Step 3.)  Assuming that Step 2 worked, Go back to your original unaltered drawing (undo all of the above steps)
   a.)  Now repeat Step 1, but make the size 4X smaller.
   b.)  Drawing should be bigger than the page size, but, unaltered.  If so, proceed to step 4.

Step 4.)  Repeat step 2, but, make the entry 4X smaller.
   a.)  Now the drawing should fill the page size and be unaltered.

Let me know how this goes.

Visio 2019 Pro



They hired me, to do it...

I'm a pro; it's just a challenge and I can do....  I just need to do a work around....  Everything you suggested, I've already tried that process...  You haven't provided anything that I have not tried....

Thanks for the offer



... too bad  :( ...
now what about Wapperdudes questions? Do it step by step and report when it gets weird.




OK, I completed your process and YES, yes it worked; however, will it print on 36x125?

The Plotter paper is 36 in by 150.... However, it will not allow me to print 150, so I set it to 125... When I try to print it on 150, 145, 135, even 130, the drawing prints 1/8 of inch on the entire page... All I could do is laugh.... that S... was too funny....

You are so wonderful, just wonderful... thank you so, so, so, so much....

I will try to print it tomorrow at work. 

I was about to lose my mind.... Yacine had me believing that I could not do it... and what I was doing was wrong; however, everything everyone was suggesting, I already tried....

Again, thank you, thank you


I will keep you posted.  Now, I have to add the remaining diagrams to the drawing.... 200 more... just crazy


Quote from: Brandy on June 06, 2010, 07:55:50 PM
Yacine had me believing that I could not do it...
Will I ever be able to compensate for all that loaded negative Karma?  :'(

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