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Connection Points / Connectors - Resizing with shape/group....

Started by Brandy, June 03, 2010, 04:52:48 PM

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Yes, this is Brandy again... :) :)

Is there a Function / Code, Formula or anything to keep connectors stationary to resize when you reduce the size of an entire diagram/drawing?

I locked them down, glued them, snapped them, I changed the ObjectType in ShapeSheet, I locked the Master "Dynamitic Connector",  played with them and they will not resize with the diagram..  

I tried the following function/formula but it did not work...  (It enlarge the Title of my diagram...)

•  User.defined:

•  Connection Points:  

•  Text Transform:
   o  TxtPinX   =GUARD(3cm)
   o  TxtLocPinX   =0

Any, any help is greatly appreciated.  

If not, trust me, I do understand...  I have asked too much of you guys...




Hi Brandy, it is not really clear to me what you are trying to do.
Pse send a vsd rather than a picture.



sorry, overlooked it.

The behaviour is a classical case of over-challenged connector.
You corrected the connector manually and it stayed where you wanted it to be.
Right click on it and chose "reset connector".

What I could offer to you is the red, "non printable", "connector distributing" line in the attachment as small work around


There's no way I would be able to reset over 1000 connectors.... There has to be another way...

thank you so much for all your help.





Just out of curiosity, why do you need to resize?  Is this a hard copy thing?

You can make your drawing page size arbitrarily large, either using standard sheet sizes or custom, so fitting your contents onto a Visio drawing page shouldn't be an issue.  Then, comes the question of printing, but, you can let the print setup fit the contents to a single sheet if desired.  So, it comes down to how much stuff do you want to cram onto a give page. 

Anyway, something to consider.

Visio 2019 Pro


Sweetie, this is the same problem/issue of Resizing Text.... It's part of the resizing text issue.  We solved the problem of resizing the text... but now, when I run the script and resize the diagram, everything resizes but the connectors. 

I have over a hundred diagrams on one page. (36x150)  I need to resize each drawing to fix on one page. 

I'm almost there... I just need to figure out this "Connectors" issue...

This is driving me crazy.... ??? :'(

Any, any, any, any help is greatly appreciated.

Again, thank you so, so much. :D



No Brandy, Wapperdude is probably closer to the solution, than you think. The idea is worth going two steps backwards.


Thanks Yacine, you are correct...

Excellent idea... I'm at the point that I will try almost.... anything...

In advance, thank you so, so much.



So again, why do you need to resize the groups? Could you consider working with a big document with normal sized groups inside, instead of having a normal sized document with a lot of resized groups?



So what? That won't get any better if you scale it.
Adjust the scale of your drawing!

Actually you need to set the page's zoom to fit 1 page, Set the page size (2nd tab) what ever suits you best, leave the other tabs unchanged. With these settings you won't need to inject any anti-scale formula in your shapes.


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