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Linking text between shapes

Started by martytdx, May 11, 2010, 08:52:46 PM

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I'm trying to create a new template, and on one of the template pages is a bit of information (version #, project name, etc.) that I want to reproduce elsewhere in the document but not in the same location/format. For example, I'd like to be able to update the version number just on the background page and have it update the title page which does NOT use the background page as a template.

I've been trying to do SHAPESHEET([page-name]shape-name!TheText) to no avail.  Any ideas?  I'm not familiar with the ShapeSheet itself, but I need to update my templates to work in Visio 2007 (not having the format painter is a real nuisance).

Thanks in advance!


Hi Marty?
you are very close to the target.
1) if you are willing to do it with a shapesheet formula, then you could write something like:
2) I, however, think that those data are document relevant and are better nested in the document itself. You have many fields that you can populate with data. On the individual pages you reference them by menue insert/field/document/ and  "misuse" one of the proposed fields for your own purposes


I'm not sure that all of the fields have equivalents in the document properties - and I'm worried that individuals may forget to change some of those fields (such as client name) which could cause issues later.  That's why I wanted to have most of those fields pulled out of the document properties themselves. 

That said, there are definitely areas where I may be able to take advantage of set document properties much easier than custom fields.  Thanks for the advice.


Quote from: martytdx on May 11, 2010, 09:43:36 PM
I'm not sure that all of the fields have equivalents in the document properties
That's why I said misuse.

Quote from: martytdx on May 11, 2010, 09:43:36 PM
and I'm worried that individuals may forget to change some of those fields (such as client name) which could cause issues later.
You're user's don't need to see the real document fields. You either put on the border of the page labeled fields that the user would fill in or a small a ocx control button that opens a dialog.

(Advice from real practive  ;D)

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