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Rotate Angle Connectors

Started by Darryll, April 12, 2010, 10:59:15 AM

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Quote from: wapperdude on June 22, 2009, 01:43:16 AM
Try these on for size.  The left one is a horizontal only version of the vertical only angled connector.  The right one is a universal implementation with no restrictions on the placement of the diamond.


I would REALLY like to understand how this Rotate Angle Connector works. I've looked through the ShapeSheet but when I try to recreate the same connector on my own, it doesn't work. I can't get the shapesheet functions to stick either. It keeps changing other values if I make changes in other cells.

My end goal is to create a 2,3,4 and 5 line rotate angle connector.

Does anyone have any ideas because your help is much appreciated!


Maybe this can help you. Just added two more Controls to get 2 more movable line segments.
The main smart part is only in the controls and geometry section


Not to rain on anybody's parade but if you really want see what can be done for something like this.....check out June the Seconds isometrics.
There is a wealth of knowledge there about this kind of thing!!!!



Thanks! This is extremely helpful. I still have the main issue when creating the this type of connector. When adding in the information for the Geometry, the rows formulas don't stick. If I update one, it then changes the previous formula to a value in mm.

I'm not sure if there is a setting that I haven't configured yet or just plain ignorance. These are my steps:

1. Create a standard connector with the number of lines I need.
2. Update the Shape Transform information. (I don't have any user-defined cells. Is that section needed?)
3. Update the Geometry which is the main part but as I edit the next row, the previous row changes back to its original setting.

Nothing is being inherited as far as I can see.

@vojo: What or who is June the Seconds isometrics? Searching on Google hasn't yielded any results?


google  "visio isometrics"

He goes by June the Second on this forum/website


This is pretty impressive but it doesn't meet my needs. The diagrams I'm creating aren't isometric diagrams but I will certainly use this to help with setting the angle that I require. The rotate angle example that was provided above by Jumpy is where I need to be heading. If you can offer any guidance as to why my Geometry formula entries aren't sticking, I would appreciate it.


I was pointing out that in June's stuff are a lot of interesting algorithms for angled in shape routing.
If all you are looking for is some control points on a line (like the one submitted)...sounds good....June's stuff is way way way way overkill.


If u use the standard connector as a base for your shapes you should change the ObjectType cell (under misc. in the shapesheet) from 2 to ...say 0.
Because 2 signals Visio an automatic connector who's geometry section can be overwriten by Visio at will.

Otherwise I dont know, where your problem is. If you take my connector, go to the controls section an add another control.
Then go to geometry section (row before the last). Right mouse click: "Add line below" or sth. like that (I have german Visio).

The rows above should not change. In the new row put the reference to the new control, like in the rows above.

And that should be it.

@vojo: June the Seconds isometrics look really nice on the webpage. Didn't know about them before. But the free download isn't working. Hopfully June will see this post an change that? Pleaaase  ;)


Thanks Jumpy, I'll try this.

Also, the free download link doesn't work but if you go down to the bottom of the page and click on Downloads, that takes you to the page.


Connectors are somewhat unique, and have built-in functionality, e.g., the line ends connection points, but no "visible" connectors, the geometry propertry control for straight, right angle, etc.  Thus, it's difficult to make a shape that replicates all of these features.

Back to your original question, which might be taken two ways:
1.)  you want to add multiple "elbows", each manually positioned by a control point, or
2.)  you want to add multiple segments, originating from a common point, but having separate end points and each with it's own elbow.

Regarding (1):  open the shapesheet, then in the controls section, insert lines to create new controls.  Move to the geometry section, insert lines for as many control points that you want, and then replicate the "move to" entry, but insert a new control point.  (It helps if the control points are NOT overlapping.)

Regarding (2):  Create a pseudo group:  
1.)  Draw your first connector
2.)  Draw a 2nd connector
3.)  Then open the shapesheet of the 2nd connector, and use a "guarded" formula to make its Beginning point" to be the same as the 1st connector, e.e., BeginX = guard(Dynamic connector.3!BeginX) where "3" is the ID of the 1st connector.
4.)  Add controls to each shapesheet as desired.
5.)  Oh, and make each connector a "straight" connector
6.)  Change object type to "0" in the Misc section.  This probably should be done 1st in the shapesheet.

Visio 2019 Pro



Thanks very much for all of your help today. I will try my hand at creating some of these so that I have a full understanding.


Thanks! I got it working now. Going to read through some of the algorithms as well because I will need to set the angle for some of the mid-lines to make it easier for the diagrams I'm creating.




This is kinda like a follow up question. I've been able to create the multiple connector types that I need. Works great and I've understood how the shapesheet and other stuff works. What I'd like to know is:
How do I set the angle for any one of the lines within my new rotate connectors?

E.g. Lets say I have a 2/3 line vertice connector,  how would I set one of them to always be at an angle of 85 degrees?

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