File/New: add examples and customize template folder icons

Started by scott, April 06, 2010, 08:43:17 PM

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Two questions about 2010 File/New:

1) The "Other Ways To Get Started" section includes a folder called "Sample diagrams". Is it possible to add additional sample drawings to this folder? If not, is it possible to create a new folder in the "Other Ways To Get Started" section?

2) The folders in the "Template Categories" section look pretty spiffy. If I add a folder to this section, it appears with a conventional-looking Windows folder icon. Can I specify my own icon for my folder? Ideally, I'd like to use the same two-page base icon that the MS supplied folders use, but I'll be happy with creating one from scratch, if required.




Also interested in getting answer to this question :D

It seems that this is possible:
E.g. Visio 2010 SDK (beta) does this (custom group "SDK" with custom image):

It would be also great to get some info on backstage customization (in general)!
Though the article Introduction to the Office 2010 Backstage View for Developers is at least more than nothing, it would be great to have some information specific to Visio.

BTW, setup "created" by Visio 2010 SDK (beta) Publishing Tool does not work in the following configuration: Visio 2010 x86 installed on x64 system.
The problem is caused by the custom action "VisSolPublish_BumpVisioChangeId" that is written into MSI by the publishing tool:

Dim WshShell, visChangeId
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
visChangeId = WshShell.RegRead ("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\Visio\ConfigChangeID")
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\Visio\ConfigChangeID", visChangeId + 1, "REG_DWORD"

I believe this is wrong for x64-bit system with Visio x86 installed - there is no such key in this case. This causes installer created by the publishing tool to fail in this configuration :(
Maybe it was fixed already, but in case wasn't I just mention this bug here.

Paul Herber

Quote from: Nikolay on April 08, 2010, 08:42:42 AM

BTW, setup "created" by Visio 2010 SDK (beta) Publishing Tool does not work in the following configuration: Visio 2010 x86 installed on x64 system.
The problem is caused by the custom action "VisSolPublish_BumpVisioChangeId" that is written into MSI by the publishing tool:

I believe this is wrong for x64-bit system with Visio x86 installed - there is no such key in this case. This causes installer created by the publishing tool to fail in this configuration :(
Maybe it was fixed already, but in case wasn't I just mention this bug here.

Hi Nikolay, the installations I create using the latest publishing tool seems to work quite correctly now for Visio 2010 x86 on Win 7 x64. The installers I've created using VS and VSPT work for Visio 2003/2007 and 2010. I haven't tried with Visio 2010 x64 though.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Roger Billsdon

Quote from: scott on April 06, 2010, 08:43:17 PM
The folders in the "Template Categories" section look pretty spiffy. If I add a folder to this section, it appears with a conventional-looking Windows folder icon. Can I specify my own icon for my folder?

Hi all
Just wondered if anyone had found a method of replacing the folder icon.
Many thanks
Roger Billsdon


I have a similar interest.
My addin includes stencils and templates, but when I browse for them it shows a generic folder icon. I'd like to have something a little nicer!
what, me worry?

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