How to change that darn 120% default line spacing in all text entries!

Started by MikeAtWork, March 28, 2014, 05:47:45 PM

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Is there a way to set the darn 120% default line spacing when editing text?!!

This is excruciating and it would make my life a lot easier if it would be set to 100% all the time.




Don't know of any option to change the default setting. 

Two things you can do:
  1.  When you open a new document, before you do anything, format text to have the desired spacing.  This should apply to all text entries for current document.

  2.  Make a template which has the desired line spacing, then use the template as the basis for all of your Visio drawings.

Perhaps someone else will have other options.

Visio 2019 Pro


Hi Wapperdude,

Your solution works when using the adding a standard text box (Ctrl-2) and basic shapes like rectangle, ellipse etc. but surprisingly enough not on the text for the basic connectors!

The line spacing is still 120% when adding other type of Visio shapes (like the Brainstorming ones for example)

Any other ideas?




Any other in useful???   :o   :-[

Not really.  Without some default setting, then, generally, stuck with the 120%.  Guess it depends upon how passionate you are about the 100%.  Assuming that you use limited number of pre-defined shapes, you could make a custom stencil, modify the line spacing, save that shape to your new stencil.  Ends up being a lot of work, but, perhaps something that grows incrementally, adding shapes as you use them.   :P

BTW, the 120% improves readability as it prevents upward stems of letters like "f", "l", etc. from colliding with downward stems for letters like "g", "p", etc.  At 100%, these will, on occasion overlap, reducing the readability of the document.

Sorry, this isn't more helpful.  Perhaps others have additional ideas.

Visio 2019 Pro


so if this is to be by shape, then could do it via shape scale...something like this

- create user cell     user.shapescale = width / <original width>      e.g   width / 32mm
- in the text % cell, set it to    guard(120% * user.scale)

or could even use custom props to set the scale and have text % cell = guard(120% * props.shapescale)
for  the eventdbleclk cell   eventdblclk = docmd (1312).     This will allow you to set scale per shape and be
isolated from any other text % scaling you choose (global change to say 100%)

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