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Full screen mode

Started by Paul Herber, March 12, 2010, 01:34:20 AM

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Paul Herber

Well, I found it eventually, who decided what are the "popular" commands?
"Toggle Full Screen mode" - well, it's not a toggle is it, all it does is switch to full screen mode, the button can't be used to turn it off as the button is not visible.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

Hey Ken

   Strike "Full Screen Mode" from my list of favorites!  I do like the concept in theory, but I find it so limiting in practice as to be useless.  All you can do is click to advance to the next page, right click to choose a page, or click to follow a hyperlink.  Other than that, it appears there is NO additional functionality.  Is that truly the case?  I'd love to have the ability to invoke a macro, or at least a back button for those inadvertent hyperlink jumps, or maybe some sort of shapesheet functionality I can leverage into an active interface somehow.

   I did look into simulating full screen, but it's not as elegant as the Visio version.  Also, depending on how the user exits Visio, there could be some persistent display differences.  Not very polite. 

   Because of those limitations, I've found it to be much more productive if I publish my Visio drawings as html and do presentations from a browser.  Granted, that doesn't give me the ability to run macros, but at least I get the back button (which I rely upon heavily), and can simulate dropdowns and radio buttons

   But I want more—much more—out of full screen mode.  Is it there?

   - Ken
Ken V. Krawchuk
No Dogs on Mars - A Starship Story


In V2007, the F5 function key serves as a toggle between normal view and full view.  Since I don't have V2010, don't know if that functionality was lost.  But, in V2007, the right / left arrow keys will either advance or decrement the pages.  Haven't tried any other advanced functionality.  Anyway, just some observations.

Visio 2019 Pro

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